All Posts 3 Ways Travel Incentives Will Make Your Sales Team Produce More

Sales incentives are hard to get right and most managers fear their budgets will never breed the level of motivation needed to hit their ever-increasing sales goals. The unique thing about incentive travel is that it can be done at a fraction of the cost of increased raises or promotions in yet still manage to make an employee feel appreciated and valued. Here’s a few other reasons to incorporate travel into your incentive packages.

1. Exceptional Motivation

Sales is a grind. Your team calls, emails, texts and shouts it from the rooftop all day long only to be shot down day after day after day. It’s great when they finally close that lead and the pat on the back comes along, but then it’s right back to the constant rejection.
You need the right incentive to convince someone to enjoy this masochistic behavior (Ha!) Imagine rewarding your highest performers with more than commission. Instead of giving your employees small raises year after year, imagine that instead you take that money and use it to breed motivation throughout the office.

If you’ve got some rockstars on your team, you can’t help but recognize the difference in their level of motivation day in and day out. When you have the right incentive program set-up and you’re executing your communication strategy flawlessly, you’ll see your rock stars’s motivation become infectious as they each compete to be apart of the next Circle of Excellence Excursion.

Create an incentive that is so tantalizing that even on the worst day, they still want it. Who wouldn’t be motivated to take an all expenses paid luxury vacation to refresh and recharge?! Use those beautiful Instagram pictures to remind your team what’s at stake all year long and watch your numbers grow!

2. Loyalty that Lasts

A sales incentive trip would not be done right if you didn’t involve your key leadership. This gives your top performers the pleasure of earning an amazing luxury vacation as well as the opportunity to bond with the leadership within your organization.

They’ll have time to voice their opinions of the company and express their gratitude in a low pressure environment. Your top performers will feel heard which is a key aspect to creating loyalty within a team.

They will return to the office with a sense of truly being a part of the organization and filled with memories that will last a lifetime. It will become necessary for them to be apart of the trip year after year.

These memories will often become office legend as well, which makes new employees yearn to be apart of the team in a real way. “Did you guys really go skydiving in Jamaica?!” No one wants to be left out of the stories and the motivation will only continue to snowball every time someone brings up a memory!

3. Recharge and Reenergize

After making phone call after phone call, you just have to step away sometimes. Your employees are going to take a vacation at some point, why not create the perfect experience for them and take one more thing off of their to-do list.

Your top performers will be able to truly relax knowing that they won’t be responsible for the costs of the trip because they truly earned it. They put in the hard work and now it’s time to reap the benefits. They’ll have the entire vacation to focus on enjoying the surroundings and reconnecting with each other as friends.

The entire group will come back from the excursion refueled and ready to take on the next year!

Be Thoughtful in Your Design

Working along side friends and being truly motivated and reenergized year after year will help your team reach new highs. Be thoughtful when creating the program and choose something that would be exciting for all involved. Take advantage of group rates when booking everything from the flights to the excursions and be realistic about your budget. A travel incentive program is probably much more affordable that you might imagine.

If you’re interested in creating loyalty and excitement within your organization, The Travel Byrds can help you choose the right destination for your group. We can also evaluate your sales goals and explain what a proper budget would look like to keep your profit margins in mind.

Once we’ve decided where to go, The Travel Byrds will handle every single planning detail and the booking process. We can even help you create the perfect employee marketing strategy to keep your company growing year after year!

Schedule an appointment to discuss the details of your new Circle of Excellence!
Byrd Bergeron

Owner and Extreme Travel Enthusiast


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