The Perfect Vacation for Every Year of Childhood

When you think back to your childhood, a lot of your memories are probably held while on your annual family vacation. Down South, it was common to go to the beach every year, but I’ll never forget those camping trips or that time we went to the Grand Canyon!

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I immediately started thinking about all of the wonderful things I wanted to show her. After many days, even months, of pondering the subject, I have put together what I think is the perfect vacation for every year of childhood.

For each age range, I have included a couple of smaller vacations that will be more cost efficient as well as one large vacation to really blow it out of the water.

Years 0-3

These are the toughest years for travel (as well as feeding, sleeping, clothing, and everything else you can think of!) Because children need so much attention during this age range, I have chosen to skip the large vacation during this time, but still see the value is family getaways on a smaller scale.

Options for Smaller/More Inexpensive Destinations:

Option 1: Run from the Waves!

There’s nothing more fun than watching the joy on a toddlers face the first time they run from the waves. To find the gentlest waves, the whitest sands, and the warmest waters, you’ve got to head down to Florida. There’s a variety to choose from, but if you want to keep things inexpensive, head to the Panhandle. Pensacola is a great family friendly and budget friendly destination.

Option 2: Option 2: Let the Car Put the Baby to Sleep for You!

This is a perfect age range to do the Pacific Coast Highway 1 (PCH) in my opinion. Kids love sleeping in cars during this age so a nice long road trip will give you some much needed peace and quiet. You’ll also be able to enjoy some of the stunning views along the way with plenty of amazing pull-off options to stop and stretch. The most scenic views are found from LA to SF. I recommend choosing a shorter route with longer stops when children are this age.

Years 4-6
Large/Blow-it-out-of-the-water Vacation: The Happiest Place on Earth!

Option 2: Option 2: Let the Car Put the Baby to Sleep for You!

This is a perfect age range to do the Pacific Coast Highway 1 (PCH) in my opinion. Kids love sleeping in cars during this age so a nice long road trip will give you some much needed peace and quiet. You’ll also be able to enjoy some of the stunning views along the way with plenty of amazing pull-off options to stop and stretch. The most scenic views are found from LA to SF. I recommend choosing a shorter route with longer stops when children are this age.

Years 4-6
Large/Blow-it-out-of-the-water Vacation: The Happiest Place on Earth!

Option 1: Sled down the Dunes in White Sands National Park in New Mexico

National parks are a great low-budget option for kids this age. They tend to respond well to the vast open spaces and dramatic scenery. It is also the perfect age to begin sparking their interest in science and explaining how the landscapes are formed!

White Sands was recently inducted into the National Park system becoming the 62nd national park in 2019. While I believe children should visit as many national parks as possible, this one stood out as an interesting option. Tell your kids to grab their sleds and see who can beat you to the bottom of these massive sand dunes!

The 275 square miles of sand dunes is so large, it can be seen from space! The tallest dunes are over 60 ft in height and are made of gypsum. This is a great opportunity to talk about different minerals the earth produces and how we use them. Gypsum is a common ingredient in toothpaste!

Another great thing about the dunes is that gypsum does not absorb heat like normal sand, meaning in the hot New Mexico summers, you can still enjoy the slopes. The Welcome Center sells sleds and everything else you need to take advantage of this awesome spot!

Option 2: Amaze Them with a Giant Hot Air Balloon Festival

Every year, Albuquerque hosts the amazing International Balloon Fiesta that is sure to make your kids lose their mind. It is actually the largest hot air balloon festival in the world and they’ll get to witness over 550 balloons inflate and take off into the sky! Please note, if you want to join in the fun, you must be at least 5 years of age to fly.

Years 7-10
Large/Blow-it-out-of-the-water Vacation: Spark Learning in the Galapagos

This is the perfect time frame to begin teaching the meaning of evolution and preservation of our natural habitats. The Galapagos give a perfect background to those conversations allowing you to educate your child while they remain blissfully unaware of how much they are learning each day. I’d recommend finding a smaller ship if at all possible to allow you to have more access to guides. There’s such an expansive amount of information about these unique islands and you don’t want to miss a thing!

If you want something a bit less exotic, this is also a good time for a first time ski trip. All kids should see snow at some point in their lives and they’re still fearless at this age! Both Keystone and Steamboat Springs in Colorado are great family friendly options.

Options for Smaller/More Inexpensive Destinations:

Option 1: Give Them Some American Pride

America is filled with an array of different cultures. For one country, we sure have an incredible amount of diversity. This is a great age to begin teaching your children this fact and opening their eyes to the way other people in our country live.

You can pick anything from exploring the endless Californian farmlands to a Native American Reservation out West to the many fisherman along the South Carolina low country.

If you really want to feel like you’re in a different country, take your child deep into the swamps of Lafayette, Louisiana. (No, we’re not talking Bourbon Street people.) Here, your child can experience an airboat ride through the beautiful swamplands, learn all about the alligators and birdlife, listen to Americans speak Cajun French and enjoy food like none other. There’s many festivals around Louisiana all year long, but if you visit in the Fall, you can experience the legendary Blackpot Festival. During the festival, you’ll experience traditional Zydeco music, lots of dancing, and one of the most amazing cook-offs. Everyone from amateurs to professionals will try their hand at the best gumbos, jambalayas and eutoufees. The crowd is welcome to try as much as they want and none of it will disappoint! (Would you try squirrel stew?!)

Option 2: See Monkeys and Sloths in Costa Rica

While Costa Rica can also be a “blow it out of the water” type of trip, there are also a ton of budget friendly options with decently priced flights from the US. Most of your activities will also be budget friendly as you explore the amazing rainforests and beaches that Costa Rica has to offer.

First, take a few days in the Arenal region to explore the iconic volcano. Take the opportunity to explain how the volcanoes work and show your children their power first hand. The area is also covered in hot springs that are perfect for relaxing after a long day of hiking!

Then, head down to Manuel Antonio National Park to see a large variety of monkeys, sloths, and even dart frogs. These incredible animals can be found in abundance throughout the park and are sure to amaze children of all ages!

Years 11-14
Large/Blow-it-out-of-the-water Vacation: This is No Annual Zoo Pass!

Children’s interest in certain subjects and passions start to blossom during this time. I recommend trying to match your vacations to the things that interest them most, but if you’re drawing a blank, an African Safari usually hits the mark perfectly at this age.

Large European cities and expansive museums still struggle to keep children’s attention at this age. However, the never ending horizon of an African reserve will most definitely leave an impact in their memories.

The two most popular countries for this experience are South Africa or Kenya. Take a minute and Google Giraffe Manor. Isn’t this place amazing?! Now, give me a call for the best rates. (This will need to be booked at least a year in advance!)

Options for Smaller/More Inexpensive Destinations:

Option 1: Find Adventure in Alaska

There’s many ways to explore Alaska. Whether by cruise ship, by RV, or by foot, you’ll find some incredible scenery sure to keep anyone’s attention. Alaska can be quite costly if you want to go the luxury direction, but you can also find secluded cabins and off the beaten path excursions to make it a pretty cost-efficient trip.

For the early teens, Alaska can itch their desire for adventure and help to grow their curiosity about different landscapes around the world.

Option 2: Show Them How the World Around Them Truly Operates

All American children should visit the US Capital and understand its importance to how our world works. While the hotels in DC won’t be cheap, the majority of the museums are offered free to the public.

Let your kids watch history unfold and explain to them the importance of the decisions happening around them. If you can make the timing work, visiting during spring when the Cherry Blossoms are blooming on the National Mall is an awe inspiring experience.

Be sure not to miss the National Museum of Natural History, the International Spy Museum, and the National Air and Space Museum. These are all normally huge hits with the kiddos!

Years 15-18
Large/Blow-it-out-of-the-water Vacation: Grab Their Attention with a Whitewater Rafting Excursion Down the Colorado River!

Your kids are older now and it’s likely impossible to keep their attention. However, there are certain things in life that no one can ignore. One of them is a class V rapid rushing towards you when all you have for protection is a flimsy, plastic raft!

The Grand Canyon is amazing to see from any angle, but why not ensure you keep your kids attention and build lifelong memories by taking them on a week-long whitewater rafting trip down the Colorado River? Added bonus: their cell phones won’t work out here!

Don’t let this type of excursion intimidate you. The guides will take their time to train you no matter what level of experience that you have to ensure safe passage for all! These are not beginner guides that you find on other rivers, but instead full certified in whitewater rescue and swiftwater guiding. You’ll be safe, thrilled, and have some unforgettable memories!

These trips are thousands of dollars per person for a one-week wilderness excursion. It’s quite a costly experience, but one that your family will talk about for decades to come!

Options for Smaller/More Inexpensive Destinations:

Option 1: Give Them What They Want on a Cruise Ship!

Cruises range from incredibly inexpensive to insanely indulgent, so there’s truly an option for everyone. Even if you don’t love the idea of cruising, this is a great age to give it a try for the first time. The ships are safe and many of them cater directly to teenagers with fun game rooms and “teenager only” lounges.

Your kids can meet friends and wander about the ship without you having to worry. This allows them the freedom they crave at this age and you the confidence to know they can’t go very far in the middle of the ocean.



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